Alternative Methods of Obtaining Credit

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College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)

College-Level Examination Program is the most widely accepted credit-by-examination program in the United States. It allows students to demonstrate the college-level knowledge they have gained through prior academic study, independent study, professional experience and/or cultural pursuits.
Carroll grants credit to students who have achieved a qualifying score on specific CLEP examinations. A maximum of 48 credits of CLEP may be granted for the general and subject examinations combined. Credits earned through CLEP may be used for major, minor, core and liberal studies requirements or general electives toward graduation.

Students are encouraged to contact the testing center directly for examination dates, registration deadlines and testing fees.

Retroactive Credit for Mathematics

Students with prior Calculus experience may enroll in MAT161: Calculus II or MAT207: Calculus III. A student who takes MAT161 and receives a grade of BC or above will receive retroactive credit of MAT160: Calculus I, if Advanced Placement (AP) credit has not been awarded for the course. A student who takes MAT207: Calculus III, and earns a grade of BC or above will receive retroactive credit for MAT160 and MAT161, if Advanced Placement credit has not been awarded for those courses.

Retroactive Credit for Modern Languages

Retroactive Credit for Modern Languages Students enrolled in a degree program at Carroll and ECCP students may earn a maximum of 16 credit hours in a modern language by completing a 300-level conversation course with a grade of B or higher, or four, eight, or 12 credits upon completion of 102, 201, or 202, respectively, with a grade of B or higher. This must be the student’s first enrollment in a college-level modern language course. Prior to enrolling in their first language course at Carroll, students must take a placement exam to determine the most appropriate level.

Retroactive Credit for English Proficiency

International students who are required by Carroll to demonstrate English proficiency can receive 16 elective credits for exceeding the University benchmark on an approved English proficiency exam and completing ENG170 with a grade of B or higher. For more information on proficiency exam policies, contact your international admission counselor at

International Baccalaureate Program

Carroll recognizes the International Baccalaureate Diploma for purposes of admission, course credit and advanced standing or placement. 16 credits will be granted to holders of the diploma. Additional credit may be granted when more than four higher-level examinations have been taken and scores of four or higher have been earned.

For students in the program who have not earned the diploma, four credits will be granted for each higher-level examination when a score of four or higher is earned. These credits will be declared to meet core and liberal studies requirements when the subjects validated by examination appear to be reasonably comparable to subjects taught at Carroll. Otherwise, the credits will be regarded as elective credit toward a Carroll degree. The student must enroll as a degree-seeking student at Carroll.

College Courses Taken in High School

College credit may be given to students who enroll in college-level courses while still attending high school. Classes must be taken through an accredited institution. A copy of the course description for each course to be taken must be reviewed by an admission counselor to determine if credit will transfer to Carroll. The course credit must be letter graded C or better. All college level courses taken must appear on an official transcript from the accredited institution where courses were taken.

Carroll will review Project Lead the Way courses for credit. Additional information to award credit may be required.

Cambridge International AS Level Policy

Carroll University awards credit for Cambridge International A Levels and AS Levels. Students receive 4 semester hours for each A Level and 2 elective credits for each AS Level completed with a grade of C or higher. Students who wish to gain credits towards specific Carroll University courses must submit the syllabi of each course along with their A Level transcript for evaluation. This allows our academic departments to determine the appropriate course equivalencies and ensure that the credits align with Carroll University's curriculum requirements

Advanced Placement (AP) Credit

High school students are able to obtain college credit after completing courses through the College Board’s Advanced Placement (AP) Program. Students need to pass the examinations with a sufficient score, as noted on chart below, in order to receive college credit. The maximum number of AP credits that may be counted toward a bachelor’s degree is 48. Several of the examinations have specific Carroll University equivalents and may be used for major, minor, or liberal studies program requirements. Unless otherwise indicated credit will be given for a minimum score of 3.

Carroll Equivalent

AP Capstone

Subject:AP Seminar
Carroll Equivalent:No credit given
Subject:AP Research
Carroll Equivalent:No credit given


Subject:AP Art History – Score of 4 or 5
Carroll Equivalent:ART213: Themes in Art History – Prehistory to Baroque
Subject:AP Art History – Score of 3
Carroll Equivalent:Elective
Subject:AP Music Theory – Score of 4 or 5
Carroll Equivalent: MUS111: Music Theory I and MUS113: Musicianship
Subject:AP Music Theory – Score of 3
Carroll Equivalent:Elective
Subject:AP Studio Art 2-D Design – Score of 4 or 5
Carroll Equivalent:ART107: Beginning Design 2D and 3D
Subject:AP Studio Art 2-D Design – Score of 3
Carroll Equivalent:Elective
Subject:AP Studio Art 3-D Design – Score of 3, 4 or 5
Carroll Equivalent:Elective
Subject:AP Studio Art Drawing – Score of 4 or 5
Carroll Equivalent:ART106: Drawing and Composition
Subject:AP Studio Art Drawing – Score of 3
Carroll Equivalent:Elective


Subject:AP English Language & Composition
Carroll Equivalent:Elective
Subject:AP English Literature & Composition
Carroll Equivalent:Elective

History and Social Sciences

Subject:AP Comparative Government & Politics – Score of 4 or 5
Carroll Equivalent:POL141: Introduction to American Politics
Subject:AP Comparative Government & Politics – Score of 3
Carroll Equivalent:Elective
Subject:AP European History – Score of 4 or 5
Carroll Equivalent:HIS103: Roots of the Western World
Subject:AP European History – Score of 3
Carroll Equivalent:Elective
Subject:AP Human Geography – Score of 4 or 5
Carroll Equivalent:ENV120: Conservation and Environmental Improvement
Subject:AP Human Geography – Score of 3
Carroll Equivalent:Elective
Subject:Macroeconomics – Score of 4 or 5
Carroll Equivalent:ECO225: Principles of Economics II—Macroeconomics
Subject:Macroeconomics – Score of 3
Carroll Equivalent:Elective
Subject:Microeconomics – Score of 4 or 5
Carroll Equivalent:ECO124: Principles of Economics I—Microeconomics
Subject:Microeconomics – Score of 3
Carroll Equivalent:Elective
Subject:Psychology – Score of 4 or 5
Carroll Equivalent:PSY101: Introductory Psychology
Subject:Psychology – Score of 3
Carroll Equivalent:Elective
Subject:United States Government & Politics – Score of 4 or 5
Carroll Equivalent:POL141: Introduction to American Politics
Subject:United States Government & Politics – Score of 3
Carroll Equivalent:Elective
Subject:United States History – Score of 4 or 5
Carroll Equivalent:HIS105: America to 1877
Subject:United States History – Score of 3
Carroll Equivalent:Elective
Subject:World History – Score of 4 or 5
Carroll Equivalent:HIS108: Understanding of Our Contemporary World
Subject:World History – Score of 3
Carroll Equivalent:Elective


Subject:AP Biology
Carroll Equivalent:Elective
Subject:AP Calculus AB – Score of 4 or 5
Carroll Equivalent:MAT160: Calculus I
Subject:AP Calculus AB – Score of 3
Carroll Equivalent:Elective
If MAT161: Calculus II is taken and retroactive credits for MAT160: Calculus I are earned, the elective credits are removed.
If MAT161: Calculus II is taken and retroactive credits are not earned for MAT160: Calculus I, the elective credits remain.
Subject:AP Calculus BC – Score of 4 or 5
Carroll Equivalent:MAT160: Calculus I and MAT161: Calculus II
Subject:AP Calculus BC – Score of 3
Carroll Equivalent:Elective
If the AP Calculus AB examination subscore is a 4 or 5, then credit for MAT160: Calculus I will be given.
If the AP Calculus AB examination subscore is 3 or lower, four elective credits will be given. If MAT161: Calculus II or MAT207: Calculus III is taken and retroactive credits are earned, the elective credits are removed.
Subject:AP Chemistry – Score of 4 or 5
Carroll Equivalent:CHE109: Principles of Chemistry
Subject:AP Computer Science A – Score of 5
Carroll Equivalent:CSC111: Introduction to JAVA (with CSC110 waived)
Subject:AP Computer Science A – Score of 3 or 4
Carroll Equivalent:CSC110: Problem Solving through Programming
Subject:Computer Science Principles
Carroll Equivalent:No Credit Given
Subject:AP Environmental Science Principles – Score of 3 or higher
Carroll Equivalent:ENV120: Conservation and Environmental Improvement
Subject:AP Physics 1 – Score of 5
Carroll Equivalent:PHY101: Introductory Physics I
Subject:AP Physics 1 – Score of 4
Carroll Equivalent:Elective
Subject:AP Physics 2 – Score of 5
Carroll Equivalent:PHY102: Introductory Physics II
Subject:AP Physics 2 – Score of 4
Carroll Equivalent:Elective
Subject:AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism – Score of 5
Carroll Equivalent:PHY204: General Physics II
Subject:AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism – Score of 4
Carroll Equivalent:Elective
Subject:AP Physics C: Mechanics – Score of 5
Carroll Equivalent:PHY203: General Physics I
Subject:AP Physics C: Mechanics – Score of 4
Carroll Equivalent:Elective
Subject:AP Statistics – Score of 4 or 5
Carroll Equivalent:CMP112: Computational Thinking
Subject:AP Statistics – Score of 3
Carroll Equivalent:Elective

World Languages and Culture¹

Subject:AP Chinese Language and Culture
Carroll Equivalent:No credit given
Subject:AP French Language and Culture – Score of 5
Carroll Equivalent:FRE202: Intermediate French II
Subject:AP French Language and Culture – Score of 4
Carroll Equivalent:FRE202: Intermediate French II
Subject:AP German Language and Culture – Score of 5
Carroll Equivalent:Elective
Subject:AP German Language and Culture – Score of 4
Carroll Equivalent:Elective
Subject:AP Italian Language and Culture
Carroll Equivalent:No credit given
Subject:AP Japanese Language and Culture
Carroll Equivalent:No credit given
Subject:AP Latin – Score of 4 or 5
Carroll Equivalent:Elective
Subject:Spanish Language and Culture² – Score of 5
Carroll Equivalent:SPA202: Intermediate Spanish II
Subject:Spanish Language and Culture² – Score of 4
Carroll Equivalent:SPA202: Intermediate Spanish II
Subject:AP Spanish Literature and Culture² – Score of 5
Carroll Equivalent:SPA202: Intermediate Spanish II
Subject:AP Spanish Literature and Culture² – Score of 4
Carroll Equivalent:SPA202: Intermediate Spanish II


¹ For students continuing the study of language at Carroll University, a placement exam will be given. This placement exam takes precedent over AP credit. Please see our Retroactive Credit policy. For all exams at the 202 level, eight credits will be given for a score of 4. 16 credits will be given for a score of 5.

² Credit given for either the AP Spanish Language and Culture examination or the AP Spanish Literature and Culture examination, but not both.

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